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S.T.I.G.M.A Consulting Group, LLC is a company to assist parents in all aspects of working with their children with disabilities. We assist parents in navigating school systems to ensure children receive their proper mandated services to succeed academically, socially, and emotionally.
S.T.I.G.M.A. provides IEP analysis, preparation, and recommendations for IEP meetings in school, community resources, parent workshops, and 1:1 consultations. At S.T.I.G.M.A. we push our children to their highest
potential, give children the power, and create endless possibilities.



Danielle N. Williams JD, MS, MSED

Founder and CEO of STIGMA Consulting Group

Danielle has had experience with children with disabilities since the birth of her two sons who have Individual Education Plans. Danielle’s passion for true inclusivity for all students helped her to coin the phrase  “Potential, Power, Possibilities". She named her company STIGMA because of the stigma parents and children of disabilities face every day which she wants to dispel.  S.T.I.G.M.A. stands for Student Timely IEP Growth Modification Advocates.



 Sessions in Private

or in a Group



Consultations are the beginning to a relationship that allows S.T.I.G.M.A. to serve you and your student in the best way possible. Book an introductory meeting today to learn more about how S.T.I.M.G.A. can contribute to your student's success.


S.T.I.G.M.A. understands that it is intimidating to discuss dealing with children with special needs. Through our workshops, not only will you get educated about dealing with the system, but you will see other parents in your community who are also dealing with similar issues.




"Mrs. Williams was a big supporter of my wonderful passion and helped me in drafting my short film that was shown throughout the whole school during our Autism awareness event. The short film's name is "No One Is Normal", it’s about two students at Francis Lewis High School who have Autism and their experience in the school. Originally I had no confidence in directing this short film but as I was finishing the interviews I was like this is going to bring so much awareness to people and to this day. Through the years that I know Mrs. Williams her ability of skills and knowledge about special education, work ethic, and character that will make students feel like they are at home and want to go to school."


—  Emanuel (Manoli) Figetakis,  College Student

 CEO of Manoli Photography and Founder of Our House 


Evaluating your child

Evaluating your child

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